Repulse Bay, Nunavut, Canada

Basic information

GNSS station ID: repl
Location: 66.524, -86.231
Biome: Tundra
Permafrost zonation: continuous
CALM site nearby: Yes
Landcover: Sands and silts ranging from 1 to 10m thick (Dredge, 1994)

GNSS-IR measurements

Key information for GNSS-IR

GNSS signal: GPS L1 C/A
Elevation angle: 5–20 deg
Azimuth angle: 150–250 deg
Monument type: Aluminium pillar

Surface elevation changes in thaw seasons

Reflector heights

Download the repl.csv


  1. MAAT: mean annual air temperature
  2. Dredge, L. A.: Surficial geology, Repulse Bay-Hurd Chan- nel, districts of Franklin and Keewatin, Northwest Territo- ries, Geological Survey of Canada, A Series Map 1850A,, 1994.