Resolute Bay, Nunavut, Canada

Basic information

GNSS station ID: reso
Location: 74.691, -94.894
Biome: Polar desert
Permafrost zonation: continuous
CALM site nearby: Yes
Landcover: Rounded or sub-angular gravels and shelly and fine-grained sands (Cruishank, 1971)

GNSS-IR measurements

Key parameters for GNSS-IR

GNSS signal: GPS L1 C/A
Elevation angle: 5–20 deg
Azimuth angle: 0–90 deg
Monument type: Steel pipe

Surface elevation changes in thaw seasons

Reflector heights

Download the reso.csv


  1. MAAT: mean annual air temperature
  2. Cruickshank, J. G.: Soils and Terrain Units around Resolute, Corn- wallis Island, Arctic, 24, 195–209, 1971.